Terms of use
Updated: 2024-10-08
ljud-bildmedia.se is Ljud & Bildmedia AB’s official website.
We reserve price changes, final sale, discount and typographical errors that may appear on our website.
All prices are excl. VAT.
Where there are links to external sites Ljud & Bildmedia AB takes no responsibilty for any content on these pages unless we explicitly states that Ljud & Bildmedia AB is the publisher.
Pictures from our website may only be used if Ljud & Bildmedia expressly has granted premission for this.
Use of Cookies
A Cookie is a small text file placed on your computer when you visit ljud-bildmedia.se
We use cookies only to improve your experience of ljud-bildmedia.se as, this means you should not have to make settings such as the viewing options every time you navigate to a new page.
The use of cookies does not include measurement or registration on our unique visitor’s use of our website.
Information about our unique users are not under any circumstances registered by Ljud & Bildmedia AB.
Website User Account
By Signing up on our website ljud-bildmedia.se, you agree to the terms and conditions mentioned below.
By signing up for a Website User Account you do NOT qualifiy as a registered customer wich is required to hire equipment.
A Website User Account saves your sent in list(s), they are then available to be sent in again at a later time.
Ljud & Bildmedia AB reserves the right to remove a User Account at any time. Ljud & bildmedia AB takes no resposibility to any loss of data during use of ljud-bildmedia.se
The above conditions are subject to change impromptu, it is your responsibility as a user of ljud-bildmedia.se to keep yourself updated about the current conditions.
Your Personal Integrity
Ljud & Bildmedia AB registers the provided email address, first name, last name, company name and phone number. We use this info only to handle your log in and authenticate the account.
Ljud & Bildmedia AB is responsible for all registered information and guarantees that this information is not passed on to any third party.
Ljud & Bildmedia AB do not use your registered information to send you marketing or promotional email or phone calls.
If there are any changes made to this section of our Terms of use you will be notified upon next login.
Please use our feedback form in the footer so we know what you think and how we can improve our site and business.
Instagram API
We do not collect any personal data when viewing the instagram feed content on ljud-bildmedia.se
For any content that is subject for removal please send us an email to info@ljud-bildmedia.se
Welcome to ljud-bildmedia.se